How To Use Epoxy Primer On Fiberglass!

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Although epoxy primer has always been a popular option for some arts and crafts and automobile customisations, its popularity has sky rocketed over the last few years. Ever since we published our article going over how to use epoxy primer on plastic, we have noticed more and more people reaching out with other questions relating to using epoxy primer and getting the best possible results.

We have noticed a number of questions specifically asking how you can use epoxy primer on fiberglass so we have decided to focus on this for todays article. We hope that our article will be able to help as many of our readers as possible who are looking to start to use epoxy primer as there are some very common mistakes that people make time and time again that are very easy to avoid.

Although your specific situation will come into play as well as exactly what you are wanting to do with your epoxy primer on your fibre glass, our advice in the article below should be able to help you get the job done. On top of this, it should also ensure that the primer that you use will last you for as long as possible too!

How To Use Epoxy Primer On Fiberglass!

Using epoxy primer on fibreglass is much easier than it was even five years back due to the number of primer products on the market that are specifically designed for use with fibre. The majority of them are literally as easy as applying the primer to the fibreglass as instructed on the label of the product you use.

It is important to note that you should always follow the specific instructions of the epoxy primer product that you are planning to use. This is due to different products needing slightly different preparation prior to use. Some can be used directly on the fiberglass where as others may need to be mixed with other things.

There are even epoxy primer products from the same brand that have been designed to do slightly different things that need to be prepped differently. That said though, it is usually quick and easy with you often being able to apply your epoxy primer to the fibreglass within minutes of starting the process.

What Epoxy Primer Should You Use On Fibreglass?

We feel that Evercoat Slick Sand is probably the best all round epoxy primer to use on fibreglass with it usually outperforming the other products currently on the market by a large margin. Although Evercoat Slick Sand can be difficult to find sometimes, it is well worth it when compared to the performance of the competition.

Not only does Evercoat Slick Sand easily bond with all fibreglass types and finishes but it also stands up to the elements without having any issues. There are actually epoxy primer products that are marketed for use with fibreglass on the market that quickly have issues, especially with cold but sometimes even with rain.

Another advantage of Evercoat Slick Sand is that it is available in a wide range of sizes so you don’t have to purchase a 1 gallon container for a small job helping to save you money. If you are just looking to try Evercoat Slick Sand then the smaller, cheaper containers workout well.

Do You Have To Use An Epoxy Primer On Fiberglass?

Although you don’t have to use epoxy primer on fiberglass, a decent epoxy primer product will usually perform considerably better than the alternatives. Depending on exactly what you need to do, the epoxy primer will usually look better when used with fibreglass too.

If you are in the arts and crafts space and are looking to rear mount materials for your project then you can usually get away with other adhesive products as the joining material is usually hidden anyway. If you are looking to work on some kind of vehicle or something where the adhesive will be visible then epoxy primer definitely takes the lead.

Just keep in mind that the difference between a high quality epoxy primer and low quality epoxy primer for use with fibreglass is night and day. This is why we recommend that our readers always try to go with Evercoat Slick Sand due to it offering you superior performance.

Do You Need To Use A Sealant With Epoxy Primer?

If your work will be exposed to the elements, particularly in colder climates then we would highly recommend that you consider using a sealing agent after the job if possible. Although a high quality epoxy primer will usually be fine even in cold weather, the low quality priming agents can have issues without a sealant.

The sealing agent that you will need to use with your epoxy primer on your fibre glass will depend on the other things that you are using for the job. There are a large number of different sealing agents on the market that tend to perform very well all designed to do slightly different things.

Thankfully, unlike epoxy primer products, most of the sealants on the market, even the cheaper ones offer surprisingly good performance at protecting your work from the elements. A quick Google search with your exact circumstances should easily be able to find you the correct epoxy primer for your job without issue too.


That brings our article going over how to use epoxy primer on fiberglass to an end. We hope that we have been able to help you understand how to actually apply your epoxy primer to your fibreglass as well as what epoxy primer you should be using. As we mentioned earlier in the article though, there are a number of variables that all come into play when it comes to using epoxy primers on fibreglass that should be taken into account.